First of all, the cause of the pain should be determined. Pain can be caused by many reasons such as caries, pressure caused by food stuck between two teeth, gum diseases, cracks in the tooth, root surface exposed by gingival recession, abrasions in enamel and even sinusitis. However, the most common cause of toothache is deep dental caries, which develops in the presence of inadequate oral hygiene. There are no nerves in the enamel, which is the outermost layer of the tooth. For this reason, we are not disturbed by external stimuli, but the sensation increases as we move towards the inner tissues. Many microorganisms that cause caries can reach the nerves in the tooth with the progression of caries. The pain, which is mild at first, becomes more severe as the bruise progresses. Pain can occur in different ways: Severe and long-term pain that develops against cold and hot stimuli, pain caused by pressure during chewing, or pain that starts spontaneously and continues for a long time can be seen.
The cause of severe toothache that begins at night is when a severely decayed tooth begins to become inflamed. This inflammatory condition causes pressure on the nerve-vessel package inside the tooth and causes throbbing pain, especially at night, that wakes you up from sleep. Toothache should not be expected to go away on its own. Cloves, garlic, alcohol, aspirin, etc. methods do not work and are not recommended because they damage the teeth and surrounding tissues. If the pain is caused by tooth decay and the decay has progressed to the nerve of the tooth, or if the tooth nerve has lost its vitality for other reasons (trauma, tooth fracture, etc.), these teeth can be treated with ‘canal treatment’. If no treatment is applied, the infection may cause swelling and an abscess may occur. As a result, if left untreated, the tooth may need to be extracted.